
By using this website you are deemed to have read and agreed to the following terms and conditions:

以下术语适用于这些条款和条件, 私隐声明及免责声明及任何或所有协议:“客户”, “你”和“你的”指的是你, 访问本网站并接受布埃纳维斯塔条款和条件的人. “公司”、“bbin所有网站大全自己”、“bbin所有网站大全”和“bbin所有网站大全”指的是布埃纳维斯塔. “党”, “党”, 或“bbin所有网站大全”, 是指客户和bbin所有网站大全自己, 或客户或bbin所有网站大全自己. 所有条款以报盘为准, acceptance and consideration of payment necessary to undertake the process of our assistance to the Client in the most appropriate manner, 无论是通过固定时间的正式会议, 或者其他方式, for the express purpose of meeting the Client's needs in respect of provision of Buena Vista stated services, 与…一致,受…约束, 现行美国法律. 上述术语或其他单数词的任何使用, 复数, 大写和/或他/她或他们, 被认为是可互换的,因此指的是相同的.



本网站的信息是按“现状”提供的. 在法律允许的最大范围内,布埃纳维斯塔:

Excludes all representations and 战争ranties relating to this website and its contents or which is or may be provided by any affiliates or any other third party, including in relation to any inaccuracies or omissions in this website and/or Buena Vista literature.
Excludes all liability for damages arising out of or in connection with your use of this website. 这包括, 但不限于, 直接损失, 业务或利润的损失(不论该等利润的损失是否可预见), arose in the normal course of things or you have advised Buena Vista of the possibility of such potential loss), 对您的计算机造成的损坏, 计算机软件, 系统和程序及其数据或任何其他直接或间接, 间接损害赔偿和附带损害赔偿.


You are solely responsible for evaluating the fitness for a particular purpose of any downloads, 本网站提供的程序和文本. 禁止再分发或复制本网站的任何部分或其内容, 包括通过陷害或其他类似或任何其他手段, 没有得到布埃纳维斯塔的明确书面同意. 布埃纳维斯塔不保证本网站的服务将不间断, 及时或无差错, 虽然它是提供给最好的能力. 通过使用此服务,您因此对Buena Vista进行赔偿, 员工, 代理商和附属公司免受任何损失或损害, 以任何方式, 不管怎样引起的.


bbin所有网站大全使用IP地址来分析趋势, 管理网站, 跟踪用户的动作, 并收集广泛的人口统计信息以供汇总使用. IP地址不与个人身份信息相关联. 另外, 用于系统管理, 检测使用模式并进行故障排除, bbin所有网站大全的web服务器自动记录标准访问信息,包括浏览器类型, 访问时间/打开邮件, URL请求, 和推荐网址. This information is not shared with third parties and is used only within Buena Vista on a need-to-know basis. Any individually identifiable information related to this data will never be used in any way different to that stated above without your explicit permission.


Like most interactive web sites website uses cookies to enable us to retrieve user details for each visit. 饼干 are used in some areas of our site to enable the functionality of this area and ease of use for those people visiting. bbin所有网站大全的一些附属合作伙伴也可能使用cookie.


If you choose to create a link to a page of this website you do so at your own risk and the exclusions and limitations set out above will apply to your use of this website by linking to it.


We do not monitor or review the content of other party's websites which are linked to from this website. Opinions expressed or materials appearing on such websites are not necessarily shared or endorsed by us and should not be regarded as the publisher of such opinions or material. Please be a战争e that we are not responsible for the privacy practices, or content, of these sites. We encourage our users to be a战争e when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of these sites. You should evaluate the security and trustworthiness of any other site connected to this site or accessed through this site yourself, 在向他们透露任何个人信息之前. Buena Vista will not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage 以任何方式, 不管怎样引起的, 因您向第三方披露的个人信息而产生的.


Neither party shall be liable to the other for any failure to perform any obligation under any Agreement which is due to an event beyond the control of such party including but not limited to any Act of God, 恐怖主义, 战争, 政治暴动, 起义, 防暴, 内乱, 民事或军事当局的行为, 起义, 地震, 洪水或其他任何bbin所有网站大全无法控制的自然或人为事件, 什么原因导致已签订的协议或合同终止, 这也不是可以合理预见的. Any Party affected by such event shall forthwith inform the other Party of the same and shall use all reasonable endeavors to comply with the terms and conditions of any Agreement contained herein.


Failure of either Party to insist upon strict performance of any provision of this or any Agreement or the failure of either Party to exercise any right or remedy to which it, he or they are entitled hereunder shall not constitute a waiver thereof and shall not cause a diminution of the obligations under this or any Agreement. No waiver of any of the provisions of this or any Agreement shall be effective unless it is expressly stated to be such and signed by both Parties.


这些条款和条件受美利坚合众国法律管辖. By accessing this website you consent to these terms and conditions and to the exclusive jurisdiction of the US courts in all disputes arising out of such access. 如本条款因任何原因被视为无效或不可执行, 但不限于上述的排除和限制), then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be severed from these terms and the remaining terms will continue to apply. Failure of Buena Vista to enforce any of the provisions set out in these 条款与条件 and any Agreement, 或未能行使任何终止期权, shall not be construed as waiver of such provisions and shall not affect the validity of these 条款与条件 or of any Agreement or any part thereof, 或者之后执行每一项规定的权利. 这些条款和条件不得修改, 修改, varied or supplemented except in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of Buena Vista.


Buena Vista reserves the right to change these conditions from time to time as it sees fit and your continued use of the site will signify your acceptance of any adjustment to these terms. 如果bbin所有网站大全的隐私政策有任何变化,这些将在bbin所有网站大全的网站上更新. If there are any changes in how we use our site customers' Personally Identifiable Information, bbin所有网站大全将以电子邮件或邮递方式通知受此更改影响的人士. Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted on our web site 30 days prior to these changes taking place. 因此,建议您定期重新阅读本声明.

这些条款和条件构成客户与Buena Vista之间协议的一部分. The fact that you are accessing this website and/or undertaking of a booking or Agreement indicates your understanding, 同意与接受, 的免责声明和完整的条款和条件包含在此.

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